T214 Discipleship Intensive

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about T214? See the complete list below for our most frequently asked questions.

Where does the name “T214” come from?

The name T214 comes from Titus 2:11-14, which says, “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.

What is T214?

T214 is a one year discipleship intensive that seeks to grow your character, faith and calling by refocusing your life around God and His mission in the world.

How long does T214 last?

T214 spans an entire year. It begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.

How many individuals can participate in a T214 group?

T214 groups can have a maximum of 10 individuals, including the leader. The size limitations are intentional so that you can form tighter bonds with the people in your group and dig deeper in your time together.

What Bible plans does T214 use?

T214 selects existing Bible plans that are available for reading through the YouVersion Bible app. Current Bible plan selections include The Bible Recap (chronological Bible reading plan) and an Old Testament Bible reading through through The Bible Project.

How does the Bible plan work?

Each day, your plan will show you the passages of Scripture to read. Once you complete your reading for the day, you’ll have the ability to discuss the reading with your T214 group. Then, you will be given a check mark to signify you’ve completed the reading for the day.

How do I sign up for a Bible plan?

T214 uses the YouVersion Bible app for its reading plans. Once you have been assigned to a T214 group, your T214 leader will email you with a special invite link that only you and the other individuals in your group can join. Once you click on the link and add it to your YouVersion account, you’ll be in the reading plan with the other people in your T214 group.

How much time does it take to read the Bible and pray each day?

Depending on the plan you chose, the reading takes anywhere from a couple of minutes to 15 minutes per day. Your time in prayer takes anywhere from a minute to 5 minutes per day.

The important thing to remember is that you are working to build a lifestyle of reading the Bible and praying each day with other like-minded believers. You want to build the daily habits that allow you to grow in both breadth and depth of God’s Word.

What do you discuss in your monthly meetings?

Once a month, your T214 group will meet together at a location that best suits the makeup of the group. The meeting typically lasts 2 hours and consists of the following areas of discussion:


How is God’s Word changing your life, and how is that impacting you and the world around you? Share what’s been going on in your life. Bring your wins and your losses. You are called to rejoice in all situations and abound in thanksgiving. You are also called to bear one another’s burdens, so in addition to rejoicing, come prepared to share how you’ve struggled. This way you can know each person in your group better and walk alongside each other more effectively.

This is a time to be open and honest with your group. Lasting bonds form when you can both know and be known. Humble yourself so that your group may honor, encourage and affirm you.

God is actively working in your life, and the more you talk about it, the more likely you are to see His loving kindness visible each day.


Have you been consistent in reading the Word? What have you learned while reading? What new truths has God revealed to you? What has been difficult to understand or comprehend?

Discussing the Word together is how you grow together. This is a time to share what is on your heart as you have studied the Word. Maybe the Scriptures are coming alive, or maybe the Scriptures feel hard to decipher. Talk about it together to get insight and encouragement from one another.

This is also a time to hold one another accountable for reading. Remember, this is a commitment you have made, and if one of you is struggling, take the opportunity to speak the truth in love to your fellow believer. Encourage and call them up to build the discipline to read the Word regularly. The Bible has the powerful words of life, and you desperately need them every day!


Each person shares specific areas where they need prayer. Then, your group will write down those requests and spend time praying over those areas for each person.

You will continue praying for those areas for each person daily until you meet again.

Am I required to attend these monthly meetings?

It’s understood that the dates and timing may conflict with your existing schedule. You are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings, but if you cannot make it, talk with your T214 group. It may be that you can find an alternate time to meet together to discuss what you are reading and learning.

The goal is that you do not miss more than one meeting in a row. Additionally, based on your group, your leader may suggest a different date and time to meet for a particular meeting if that works best for your entire group.

Why is the T214 covenant required?

T214 is not for the faint of heart. God’s Word and His mission in this world require much from us. The covenant is a sign of your commitment to growth and the growth of the men in your group.

What if I fall behind on the Bible reading plan?

Life happens. Kids get sick. Work gets busy. Holidays and vacations occur. Daily reading is the aim, but you will inevitably miss some days. Don’t beat yourself up. If you get behind, there is grace!

However, it should be noted that you may not be able to participate as fully in your monthly meeting time. And, it is likely that the other men will hold you accountable, which is a good thing. If you habitually continue to miss the daily reading with no intention of getting back on track, you may be removed from the group until you are ready to join back in.

A good rule of thumb: don’t miss twice. Keep the chain going, and if you miss a day, don’t miss the next one.

What if I want to join after the intensive has already begun?

Not a problem at all! Each plan has designated onramps throughout the year where you can join a T214 group. You will still be required to sign the T214 covenant to participate, even if you join at a later time.

I have attempted a Bible reading plan already. How is this different?

T214 is designed to give you the best chance possible at completing the intensive. It is organized into small discipleship groups where it is easier to be accountable to one another. It uses Bible reading plans that encourage daily reading by highlighting those who have read their passages for the day. It incorporates monthly meetings that deepen your knowledge and understanding of the passages you are reading. 

Another key component of T214 is that its primary goal is to build a lifestyle of daily Bible reading and prayer. It is designed from the foundation to help you do this successfully with other like-minded believers.

What is required of me to lead a T214 discipleship group?

The primary requirement is that you be an example to the other individuals in your group. Show the people in your group what it is like to seek and savor Jesus.

Practically speaking, it means you need to understand the cost necessary to lead these people. It means faithfully reading the Word every day. It means faithfully praying to God every day. It means faithfully praying for the people in your group every day.

While none of these things are hard – they are in fact quite simple – they require discipline, something that only God can give as He sanctifies you (and something Satan will actively try to thwart).

Additionally, you need to be able to hold other people accountable to daily Bible reading and prayer. You must be able to speak the truth in love if one of your group members falls behind, not to discourage but rather encourage them to the glorious call of a thriving relationship with God. It takes work!

You need to be communicating with your group, even when it is difficult. And you need to do your best to faithfully attend the monthly meetings and be prepared to facilitate discussion in them.

What should I expect my completion rate to be?

T214 is a discipleship intensive that spans over a relatively long period of time. While the prayer and hope is that every person who begins it will finish, it is likely that some will not.

Work hard that you yourself would remain faithful to daily Bible reading and prayer. And when you pray, pray for the other people in your group. The T214 bar is high, and the goal is that all people complete the intensive. You should anticipate that the majority of the people in your group complete the intensive along with you.

What is the best way to communicate with the people in my group?

Ask your group what they prefer. Group texts or group emails are always winners.

Are there any monetary costs associated with leading a T214 group?

There are no direct monetary costs associated with leading a T214 group. You are welcome to invest as little or as much monetarily as you are comfortable with.

Once I start leading, do I have to continue leading indefinitely?

No. In order to maintain a healthy set of boundaries and to give you time to rest, the maximum number of years you can lead in a row is two. In year three, you are encouraged to participate in a T214 group, but you cannot lead one. It will be a year of rest for you.

What is the process for removing someone from a T214 group?

First, it is important to understand that this requires much grace and wisdom.

If someone falls behind the reading plan and has no intention of getting back on track, this person should be removed from the T214 group. A communication template will be provided that you can use as a starting point for letting them know about the change. The person should be encouraged to continue reading the Word and praying daily, and that they should aspire to join again when they believe they are ready to commit to and finish the T214 intensive.

This is different from a person who falls behind but continues to read the Word daily. If a person falls behind in their reading, and after some time to speak with and pray with them, they decides to pick it back up and read faithfully, they should not be removed, even though it might take them some time to catch up with the rest of the group.

If you have any questions or concerns about how to approach this, feel free to speak to your T214 director who can give some additional insight into the situation.

What is the leadership structure of T214?

T214 has a simple leadership structure: the T214 Director, T214 Leaders and T214 Members.

The T214 Director is responsible for the operation and administration of T214 groups in your church.

T214 Leaders are responsible for faithfully leading their T214 group during the intensive period.

T214 Members are participants in a T214 group.

How do I get started?

Great question! Click here to contact us to request more information about how you can get started with T214.

T214 exists to cultivate gospel saturated individuals who are zealous for good works. Learn More →

Copyright © 2020-2022 T214™. All rights reserved. Founded by Thomas Griffin in partnership with Exodus Church.